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Here at bookclique, we are wrapping up another year of recommending our favorite books. We told you about poetry; memoirs; romances; travelogues; and our sweet spot, literary fiction. We traveled from 17th century America to the Hapsburg and Ottoman Empires to Florence in the 1500s to JJ’s Red Hots in North Carolina; we spent time with indigenous migrant workers, an intrepid crime-solving midwife, love-struck TV writers, and a beautiful woman who falls in love with a bear. Our books topped best-seller lists, won prizes, made us weep, and brought us joy. We believe reading makes us wiser, lowers our heart rate, increases our empathy, and gives us something to talk about at cocktail parties. Below are links to all of bookclique’s 2024 reviews. We can’t wait to see you in 2025!

The Vaster Wilds

Raw Dog: The Naked Truth About Hot Dogs

Tom Lake

Yerba Bueno

The Wild Iris

The Books of Jacob

North Woods

After Annie

How to End a Love Story

Family Family

Help Wanted

The Berry Pickers

The Bee Sting

Salt Houses

All Fours



The Frozen River


The Marriage Portrait

Same as it Ever Was

Love Sick Century

Colored Television

Reading Children’s Literature for Solace

The God of the Woods

Laura Dickerman

Laura Dickerman taught high school English for many years; has a couple of master's degrees in Fiction and English; and has lived in Vermont, New Haven, New York City, Philadelphia, Brussels, and currently Atlanta. She is bossy in two book clubs, opinionated about even things she knows very little about, believes you can put down a bad book, and passionately supports re-reading Middlemarch every five years. Her debut novel, Hot Desk, will be published by Gallery, a division of Simon & Schuster, on September 2, 2025. (photo by sophie jacobson)